My "Month of the Hobbit" has been fairly successful. Granted I did only make one full weekend locked in the house, but the next three home time dominated.
Big impact was probably the fact that we got another lovely Southern snow storm. Fist round came through on a Friday, our company closed for the day and I was able to enjoy a nice three day weekend. I was smart and was totally prepared, no last minute grocery run for me, only had to leave on Saturday for a quick run to Target to pick up an online order, then right home again. The next week brought us a second round with a nice layer of ice and about three to four inches of snow to top it off. I was very lucky to be able to work from home, so after having two days locked in the house in the middle of the week, getting out on Saturday for breakfast at Panera and a quick grocery run was a welcome very short outing.
So, what have I accomplished during my month long hibernation?
A little bit of everything! First, some baking, German Pretzels were a hit!
Pretzels tasted fantastic, but next time I will twist them, because they strongly resemble....well, you can probably figure that out for yourself.
Sooooo good with beer cheese and brats! Definitely a do over!
And chocolate pudding brownies...the chocolate pudding makes them so moist and chewy. So good!
But I did not just cook and eat. I did some home organizing and started a couple projects as well.
First project, a kind of slip cover for one of my chairs. I found a pin on Pinterest of vintage doilies made into a sort of blanket draped over a beautiful vintage chair, I decided this would work for my chair as well, but I decided to sew them onto a small drop cloth so they "pop" a bit more.
Got it started, but this is a project that will take me a little while to finish...I am not a great lover of sewing.
And for the booth at the Basement...Herb boxes.
Single boxes and larger boxes that will fit three different herbs. I am really excited to see how these turn out. The herb spoons will be attached directly to the box, rabbit wire on the bottom will allow the pot to drain after you water it. Have them all sanded and stained, next week I should have the spoons hammered out and attached!
Love these colors. My stock for The Basement is starting out with three large herb boxes and nine smaller ones. Varied the color of the stain, 3 Pecan, 3 Red and 3 walnut. I just love how the stain took, and I love the fact that now the prettiest part of the spoon, the handle, will no longer be hidden in the dirt, but will be shown off on the front of the box.
I will not be upset if these do not sell, because I would be perfectly happy keeping them for myself! Hopefully I will be able to show you how they turn out next week!
This weekend, the final hobbit weekend of the month, I ventured out even more. Still home by noon Saturday, another Panera run, a couple necessary errands with a final stop at my favorite indoor Flea Market since the rain made a run to the Nashville Flea market really unappealing.
I did not find much, but a couple little finds made the run out worth it. First, a set of windmill salt and pepper shakers in the original carrier! Not a huge fan of the windmill design, but they were too fun to pass up.
And a single, rather phallic shaker, The booth had a 50% off sale or it may have stayed there. But, I will find something to use it for
So I will deem the month of the hobbit a success for this year. I do feel better, definitely more rested, and the creative juices seem to be at least trickling along again. Finally feel ready to see what comes next!
I hope you are having a nice restorative start to the new year!