I am taking Labor Day Weekend very literally this year.
Not that I have not done some relaxing and had some fun, but for the most part I have spent the weekend finishing projects, cleaning house and doing some room updates. All geared at making the house more comfortable for this winter.
I am kind of missing the lazy long weekend we usually do with lots of swimming, cooking out and movies outside, but after the remains of Harvey came through Nashville Thursday and Friday along with the drop in night time temps have made the pool pretty cold...and really dirty so today is probably the only day we will be able to enjoy the pool. And according to the Weather channel, probably the last weekend this year we will be able to get in. Night time temps in the 50's for the next week means it will probably be too cold to enjoy after today.
But that is ok, time to move into fall!
So what was I working on this weekend?
Well, remember the humidor I purchased for my husband last year? He fixed the issues with the leg, but never refinished it. So, that was number one on the finish up list.
Number 2 on the finish up list is this chair my sister found at the Nashville flea market probably close to 20 years ago for a kitchen table set she had. I loved the shape of the chair so when she bought another dining room set I happily agreed to adopt the chair. My family has been pulling the kitchen table chairs into the living room to sit at the desk we brought home from my mother in laws home, so I decided it was time to put this chair to use again. I am trying to strip the paint off down to the wood. I may or may not be successful, it may end up with another paint job, but we shall see!
This chair is surprisingly VERY comfortable to sit in! I am excited to bring it back to life again.
So off I go to try and knock out the rest of the list before hopefully slipping into the pool for a couple hours this afternoon. But I will be back next week with an update on my move into "The Basement" and some fun finds I managed to pick up when I did slip out for a little thrifting this weekend!
Hope you are having a much more relaxing Labor Day than I am!
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