Monday, March 2, 2015


So last week got away on me, and when I sat down on Saturday night to write my planned post I realized..whoops, let my kid go out on a weekend trip looking for Bald Eagles with the SD card loaded with my blog post pictures. 

Not my best planning, oh well, this week will be better!

This past weekend was a girls weekend filled with shopping, movies and eating out, but the weekend before last, suffering from just a tiny bit of cabin fever after our epic Southern Ice storm, I headed out to Goodwill and the thrifts.

And did not do too badly!

First find was at a local Southern Thrift shop, I am so/so with finding things there, but this time, I scored!

Fire King chili bowl, I have been looking for red or orange, but I was just as happy with a yellow, especially when it only cost me .75 I caught it on a 50% off day! Love it, But I still want to find a red or orange!

Next was on to Goodwill where I scored another platter. I was attracted to the design which I recognized but did not know much about. Again, me and platters, I grab them cause I use them. I love the graphics on this platter, it is huge and in mint condition. After a quick look out on ebay I realized it was a real steal at 2.49. I saw many of the same platter out there for 20.00 and up not including shipping, not sure if they are selling, but if they are, I may be tempted to try my luck at selling.

I just love the graphics!

And the size!

It has been a very long time since I scored any of my German/Bavarian china in a thrift shop so I was thrilled to find these sweet little berry bowls. 

Eight for under 3.00 mint condition, not a scratch or chip, I was tickled.

All in all a very fun trip!

Update! Some exciting news for our Farmisan market!

We had a vendor meeting  this past Wednesday night with the two lovely ladies that selflessly dedicate their time to beautifully organize our Farmisan market, I am so excited! Not only are we moving to a fantastic local park, Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet, but we are also joining up with the Art Alliance! The change in venue alone has attracted more vendors and the Art Alliance has an established following of its own and will be playing some wonderful concerts during our markets all summer long, most of the wonderful vendor from last year are coming back along with lots of new vendors, we will be working with the local animal shelter and doing pet adoptions, more food trucks  will join us and a charity fund raiser for a worthy cause each month. our little market is truly growing into a wonderful community event, I am so proud to be a part of it!

So I am back to hammering again this week, I had taken an unintentional break the last couple weeks, unmotivated I guess, or more like lulled into a happy stupor snuggled under blankets watching movies during the storms, not any  more. Looking a the calendar I have less than six weeks to get ready for what will most likely be a HUGE kick off to our Farmisan market season.

But I will be ready to go! Too much fun to miss out on!

Wont't be long now! Except this year it will be grass instead of a parking lot! 

So excited!!!

Have a wonderful week!

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