Sunday, November 6, 2016

Getting in gear!

Next weekend, November 12th, I am participating in the 4th annual Holiday craft show in our little community center located in Charlie Daniels Park. I only had a month to prepare, so I made sure to hammer and work on something for the show almost every night.
Life is busy enough without having to prepare for a big craft show. So I have been in high gear , making to do list after to do list, brainstorming display ideas (tomato cage made into a Christmas tree for the ornaments...omg, looks great) and getting as much stock as I can manage ready.
I tore two hydrangea boxes that had never sold apart and revamped them, made more than a dozen single stem "sunflowers" three new single stem hydrangea flowers and I don't even know how many ornaments, necklaces and key rings. Still have a few herb markers to make to round out my usual stock, but I have a bunch of sentiment spoons at Creative Village so I will pull some of those and see if they sell at the show, but, I have also hammered a few more of  those as well.
Here is my shot at a Christmas vibe flower arrangement, I think it needs a bow around the box, but otherwise I am happy with how it turned out. The green ribbon "leaves" help fill out the box, and if I add a pretty white bow, I think it will give it a nice Christmas vibe.
One week...I think I can make it, but next Sunday? I pretty much guarantee that I will crash :) More pictures of the displays and new stock next week! I am especially excited to get the tomato cage Christmas tree display loaded with ornaments!
I better get working on necklace display's next!
Hope you have a great week!

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