Yes, another Box Bag. Ebay score.
I swear, this will not be a huge collection.
But, I have to admit, there is at least one more on my "Wish List" That I would like to have. I really like the Collins of Texas box bags, but they tend to be a little on the pricy side, my absolute top limit of what I will spend is 30.00. Which, unless I just get lucky, like with the owl box, limits my options, and also forces me to get boxes in less than perfect shape. But I am ok with that. I love a little restoration project. So when I saw this mushroom box bag come up on Ebay for 25.00, I went for it. The box itself is in great shape, a little dirty and scuffed up but really just missing some of the jewels. I see this style bag listed for 95.00 and up often, so, for 25.00 I was willing to do a little work and scouting around and find some replacement jewels.
Must be because I am a 70's kid, But I have a thing for Mushrooms and owls.
I gave it a good scrub, a very light sand and just a light rub of stain. Ran into Hobby Lobby and found some " jewels " These will probably be replaced when I find something a bit closer to the original jewels. But I am happy with how they turned out for now.
I love how they look all stacked together!
They are such a handy size for storing small stuff, I keep my essential oils and accessories in these. But I was thinking, how hard would it be to make a knock off?
Not too hard. Again, in Hobby Lobby. Found this cute lunchbox and thought it would be a good example to experiment on.
First things first, sanded it down and gave it a light stain.
Pick your decoration, decided to go for a wood decoration instead of a classic Enid Collins painting.
I think it turned out pretty well!
Worth doing again for sure. After finishing this, I decided that a recipe box with a vintage spoon top handle would have to be my next project!
Anything I can do to incorporate vintage flatware right?
So, back to Hobby Lobby I go!
We have had such a crazy week, both my kids caught the nasty head cold I had last week, my son bounced back right away, but my daughter missed three and a half days of school she was that sick. Poor kid, she is finally bouncing back as well. Lets hope this is the end of our current drama streak.
Time to kick it into high gear and start working on projects again!
Have a great weekend!
I love those boxes - the bottom with the birds is my favorite - I can't wait to see the recipe box!