I love how the May Flea Market typically lands on Memorial Day weekend. I always take the Friday before Memorial Day off anyway and hitting the Flea Market is a great way to start a super sized extra long weekend.
It was a beautiful morning to spend at the Flea Market. Lots of vendors.
And I found a ton of stuff, this drink set was adorable. There was more Jadeite and Pyrex than usual, although nothing that was on my wish list. I am not sure what is wrong with me, but, this is the second month in a row that I felt like there was very little that I saw that I just had to have. Nothing on my wish list. I even passed up a couple Jadeite grill plates, not over priced, but not bargain priced either. No tingle of excitement, I passed on them. A set of Jadeite salt and pepper shakers, bargain priced but so faded and missing the caps. I almost grabbed them, but then decided, nah, I would rather pay more and get them in better shape. Maybe a mistake, but I usually start to feel non buyers remorse pretty quickly, nope, have not given them a second thought. Some other cool stuff, priced well, but again, I just was not compelled to purchase. Maybe I am just so focused on my "wish list" and that is why nothing else is catching my eye lately.
Now, don't think that I left empty handed.
We have a pretty large collection of brass animals, I found this adorable tiny kitty for my daughter, We decided that she could sit next to our brass bull dog.
Sorry for the bad picture. I loved this Atlas Strong Shouldered Blue Mason jar, Perfect condition, I have never seen the graphics or this size I knew I had to have it. I did a quick Ebay search when I got home and found one just like it in perfect condition listed for 35.00. Wow, I paid 5.00.
Of course I picked up some flatware. The large serving spoon will get hammered onto a sentiment spoon, the rest, into my stash they go.
I love the tippy taster spoon. What the heck was it originally used for? Baby spoon?
The cake server was so pretty, and we think the little spoon with the star is a Mason star. It is marked Norway, we are going to do some additional research on this.
And vintage wooden spools. These were actually on my "wish" list. Why? Well that is for another blog post :)
This pitcher, love at first site. A Tang pitcher, I think from the 1970's. I know the etched Lily design is supposed to have a white top, but all they had was the orange. I think I will add finding a white top to my list. They are such a handy quart size, I may have to find another one to use. Like everything I pick up, I use it. This one is the perfect size for my Tazo passion iced tea. I scrubbed it as soon as I got home and it has been in use non stop since. I have been drinking a lot of tea this weekend.
And an update on my porch babies! Are they not gorgeous? Sniff, sniff, they grow up so fast. It will not be long before they leave me. We have had so much fun watching them grow.
We are enjoying a nice quiet long weekend, I have had plenty of time to sit in my spot under the tree, but the pool is still too cold for me and it sounds like bad weather will keep us out of the pool again tomorrow. I guess I will have no choice but to work on some projects. I can't say that upsets me too much, I have had kind of a creative dry spell the last few weeks, but I feel like it is coming to an end and I am itching to work on a couple new projects.
Hope you are enjoying your long holiday weekend!
Be safe!