Saturday, April 30, 2016

A story about a bowl.....

One day, summer before last, I was doing my usual run through Goodwill and found a bowl.
Anchor Hocking place setters, cute green daisy pattern. You know I had to grab it. And I did.
Fast forward to last weekend. I am strolling through my favorite indoor flea market (yup, I held back on telling you about this find) and I spot a stack of dishware for sale and think to myself, "Wow, I have a bowl in that pattern".  Of course I have to check out the set, 19.99 for 18 mint condition pieces, the set is missing one mug and one....bowl!
WOW, I have the bowl to complete this set at home. It is obvious of course, that this set was meant to be mine!
And so I brought them home with me.

And I totally love them!


Today was a perfect day to make myself lunch and enjoy it on my new plates. Oh...don't be impressed with the menu. The Bacon for this BLT and avocado sandwich did not make it into the shot. Love bacon, don't love how it looks on camera.

Of course I decided that I need to find that last mug to really complete the set so, I checked out Ebay. I had NO idea this was such a collectable pattern! Someone had just the four mugs listed for 49.00...a bit extreme on that pricing I think. I also found a set not as complete as mine for 69.00. Wow! I think I will just keep my eyes open and see if I can't find that mug in my flea market and thrift store travels. Somehow, I think I will probably stumble upon one eventually. Until then, I will do without the mug. I have way more mugs than I could ever use anyway.
Even with the rain, this has been a beautiful weekend! My beautiful peonies should bloom any day now!
Can't wait! Of course that means strawberries and peaches will not be far behind!
Oh how I love Spring!
Hope you are having a wonderful spring weekend!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bowl day at the Nashville Flea Market

I called it bowl day, because, well, I bought a lot of bowls.
For me there are few things more relaxing than strolling through the flea market on a beautiful morning, and it was a gorgeous weekend for the flea. Spring at the  flea market brings a lot of vendors so I came away with some fun finds, and a lot of bowls!
Like these Hazel Atlas Ovid bowls...a buck each? Yes ma'am I will take them to add to my slowly growing Ovid lunch set!
More Hazel Atlas, funny they look a lot like the Hazel Atlas flower pot I found last month.

This 5' Fire King white bowl. Love this size and really loved the 1.00 price tag.

And another green Fire King Kimberly bowl to replace the one my son broke.....

I loved this flame orange Pyrex bowl for 5.00. Can't go wrong!

But, bowls are not the only thing I picked up.
Actually I picked up a lot of books this weekend. Most were at the Goodwill and I did not get pictures before I put them up with my other "old" books. But these were my favorites.
I also picked up some odds and ends for the kitchen. Like this fridgie to replace the one I smashed into a thousand pieces last summer. I am wiping a tear away even now as I speak of my precious broken fridgie. But this one helps to ease my pain.

A cute glass and a vintage whisk to replace the one I wore out. I used for 14 years before it literally snapped.

 Yes, I snapped a metal whisk. That takes talent, or, a hell of a lot of whisking.
Now that I realize it, I replaced a lot of thing during this flea market run. It was a more successful run than I realized!
I also grabbed this sewing machine drawer. I had it in my head that I would use it to put some of my little vintage leather pocket library books in, but it did not quite fit the way I hoped. Oh well, it is a pretty box and I am sure I will find a use for it eventually.
And flatware to hammer out...always flatware to hammer out.

Some of these may have to become ornaments for this Christmas!

I was sure this jar was smaller than the ones I already had. It is not. You can never have too many vintage blue ball mason jars right?

This is NOT a salt or pepper shaker, so it does not count as part of the collection that I did not realize I had. It is SO cute though! Along with the orange flame Pyrex bowl, this may be my favorite find of the day!

I also grabbed these vases. I will probably use them as both vases and to put tea lights in when we are outside on the deck.
And of course I cannot have a day out without stopping at Trader Joes. It is not far from the Nashville Flea market so I always stop in afterwards. I really wish they would build one on my side of town. Only one Trader Joes visit a month is just not enough for me.

I could not pass up the Meyer Lemons at Trader Joes, they were just gorgeous and made the BEST fresh squeezed lemonade. I promise, I do not  buy lemons just to take pictures of. We drink a lot of fresh squeezed lemonade once the weather starts to get nice!
I never leave there without flowers.
Is it obvious that I was having a lot of fun taking photos of my flowers and flea market finds?
Already longing for the weekend to get here, but I hope you are having a great week so far!

Saturday, April 23, 2016


During one of my late night scrolling sessions through Ebay I stumbled upon Brad Keeler pottery. Cute stuff, there were mostly lobster plates and for some reason they caught my eye. I still have not purchased one, but in my searching I found this cute melted butter dish.
Look at that cute little crab! I think he is adorable. Why? I don't know, Maybe I need to stop late night Ebay surfing, it was not expensive, but I do think he is really cute and inspired me to celebrate this beautiful weather by doing a seafood dinner.
Lobster claws, shrimp and French bread and because I had a craving, smoked lake trout. Yah, I know the lake trout does not really go, but it was really good and I am on a smoked food kick right now. Don't judge me.
Yummmm, I totally love smoked fish.
Perfect weather to eat outside tonight! I love having dinner outside.

I even got to drag my cute Fire King lobster plate out! What can I say, I am easily amused.
Having some fun this afternoon taking some pictures of all my flea market finds from the Nashville Flea Market this weekend, I had a great time and came how with a bunch of fun buys, but I will show you my new treasures later this week!
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April Farmisan Market!

We kicked off our third season of the Farmisan Market on Saturday, and we had a perfect day for our opening market. Weather was gorgeous, park was full, we ended up with around 13 vendors, not bad, but we still need more.  Still not seeing the crowds we would like, but we keep trying, hoping this little market will catch fire eventually.
I had a lot of new stock. Sold a fair amount and bringing a lot to Creative Village tomorrow. It has been awhile since I brought in fresh stock. I have been hammering a lot in order to have a nice supply to bring in and still have some on hand if I decide to do another craft show, which I think I have been talked into for June! Now I just need to stay disciplined and keep hammering every night.
I definitely have some new favorites.

But still love the old ones as well.
All this hammering means I screwed up a fair amount.
Oh well, screw up a spoon, make a necklace. Win/Win as far as I am concerned!
And I managed to get a couple more hydrangea boxes put together. I had a vintage doily that was damaged so I cut it up, stiffened it starch and made it into hydrangea leaves, I love this look. Will be looking for more damaged doily's at the flea market this weekend!
They got a lot of attention, but no buyers. Oh well, maybe next time!
Looking forward to a few days off from work. After Dr. appointments and running errands tomorrow, I plan to spend my Friday at the Nashville Flea market, Trader Joes and hitting all my favorite thrift shops. Throw in a pedicure and I don't think you could find a better way to spend a nice long weekend off! Perfection far as I am concerned!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

No thank you, I don't collect salt and pepper I?

I can't say that I really get into collecting vintage salt and pepper shakers.

I mean, every once in a while I may grab a set that I think is cute.
Or maybe they are a bargain price that I just cannot pass up.
Or maybe I needed some to match a set of dishes.
Sometimes I see them at Goodwill and have to grab them. I mean, if you know they are a collectable you have to save them right?
Or maybe even if they are not collectable, I mean, I do like birds.
I have had people give them to me as well, these came Grandmother Adeline's collection. She had a lot of salt and pepper shakers, and her taste was even more random than mine is.
 I admit, I do have a thing for owls.....No owl left behind right?
Oh....and frogs. Why is this frog on an ivy leaf? That has always bothered me. Why an Ivy leaf and not a lily pad?
Yes, these are the questions I ask myself. Welcome to my cluttered brain.

ummm, ok I don't know what to say about these....

Did I mention that I really like birds?
I really, really like birds.

 Kitchen prayer girls...I mean I needed them to complete the set, right?
Sometimes I am on Ebay late at night when I should be asleep. I may not make the best choices then.
Seventeen sets of salt and pepper shakers don't actually make a collection does it? Ok, maybe it does.
You know what really kills me though?
This is the only one we use. Old Time Pottery, brand new 1.99.
As I was dusting Friday night I stopped and actually counted salt and pepper sets. Have you ever looked around and realized that you have a collection you never really noticed before? No? Maybe that is just me. I think I may have some kind of flea marketing problem.
There may or may not be two more sets of salt and pepper shakers on my "must have" collectable list.
Thank you for tolerating my long salt and pepper collection discovery discussion.
Hope you were able to get outside and enjoy some of this beautiful spring weather this weekend!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A little sugar...

Scrub that is. Sugar scrub.
I am wrapping up some of the last few details before the Farmisan Market on Saturday. One of the things I always make sure to have in my booth is sugar scrub. It is a surprising best seller, And I have to tell you, a total Pinterest win, It WORKS!
I call it GOJO for girls. Creamy, silky, smells wonderful, does not chap or dry out your hands and gets the dirt off.  It really works very well on gardener, or crafter hands. I have even been able to scrub stain off my hands with it. My husband even prefers to use it now. It is such a simple thing to make, the hardest part is stirring, and since I have this strange love for stirring things, even that does not count as hard.
All you need is sugar, your favorite good dish soap and essential oils to enhance the scent. Mix it up and pop it into cute jelly jars. Done.
A creamy dreamy yummie smelling mix!

Easy to pop into jelly jars.
Takes almost nothing to make them look cute!
 Love, love this stuff!

I am finding wood violets all over my yard right now, they are my FAVORITE wildflower so I am looking for any excuse to include them in a picture! I think they looked great behind my herb spoons!
Weather is going to be gorgeous on Saturday, a perfect day for the market! Can't wait!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!