Sunday, June 26, 2016

Melting at the Nashville Flea

The South is experiencing a very hot June.
Hot, as in you start sweating the minute you walk out the door at 6:30 in the morning hot.
Flesh melting Southern heat.
I am tired just describing it.
I was back and forth about going to this months market because of the heat, but I know the June Flea market is one of the last really good ones until September and I did not want to miss it. So, up I got early on Saturday and headed out there hoping to get through the majority of market before the sun burned the clouds off. Typically, the market is pretty quiet this early on Saturdays, but I think everyone was thinking the same thing I  was. Go early before the real heat hits. I got there to find half of Nashville decided to join me.  
Darn it I could not even park in my usual spot.
grumble, grumble.
Anyway....I did make it almost half way through before the sun came out to brutally beat us down. Lots of vendors, lots of good stuff, but I only came away with a few things. Still totally worth the trip out. Even if I did turn red as a lobster and sweated about two gallons.
A couple little Pyrex finds. The fridgie is pink and since I have been on a pink Pyrex kick lately I had to grab it.
The light in the kitchen really showed the flaws, they actually look much better than this.

Of course flatware to hammer and a couple aluminum cups that caught my eye.
 I think they will look cool filled with spring violets.


 My daughter loves the Blue Azurite Fire King and has a pretty nice miss matched collection, so I was excited to find this serving bowl for her. She was very happy with it!
My main goal for the day was a nursery appropriate book for the next arrangement I wanted to work on. Found what I think is a PERFECT book to use, and a couple more odd books to add to my old book collection.
From 1951, I love the funky somewhat creepy graphics of the book. I think it will make a wonderful arrangement.
 I love really old books, they are so cool. I found a copyright date of 1888 in this one.
The cover was pretty beat up, inside was much better condition. It promised that it could teach anyone to sing...from a book. That made me laugh.
I really loved the graphics in this book.

 And another milk bottle. Like my cottage cheese bottle this one has a beautiful pink tint. I love how they look filled with flowers sitting on the window sill.
Of course I walked out with my favorite peaches from the peach truck and fresh farmers market veggies to have with dinner. 
Then home I went to drink a couple gallons of water and cool off  in the pool.
The first of my Zinnia's have bloomed! Perfect color to come out first since my garden Dill is also in full bloom.
 The heat is keeping me out of the garage to do my hammering...but I will have to deal with it to get some spoons finished this week for my wholesale order. Whew..I am glad I did so much hammering this spring so I have a decent stock built up or I would be seriously behind.

 Hope you are keeping cool!!!



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