Saturday, September 27, 2014

September Flea Market!

It was a beautiful day to be at the flea market!

The Nashville Flea Market is huge. And the September, October and November markets are the biggest. Five covered sheds four or five buildings and vendors lined up everywhere there is space for a booth. I could  have easily spent thousands.

Sorry I did not get some up close shots of the booths, some vendors give you strange looks if you whip out a camera and start photographing their stock.

I have put myself on a thrift diet because I have not found homes for a lot of my recent buys so this months flea market was all about finishing up some sets. My number one goal was to find the cups that match the rose lunch set plates I found at Goodwill luck there. But I did find my second mug in the Fire King flower set. I found the violet cup at my favorite indoor flea market this summer, and I was excited to find the tulip mug yesterday, now I am hunting for the Rose and Daisy.

I found this Green Kimberly bowl and even know it was not on my list, for two bucks, I had to grab it. And as it happens in the same booth I found the tulip mug, I found a green Kimberly to match the bowl, it was meant to be I am sure.

Grabbed some mint condition Normandy Rose Melmac dinner plates to finish the set I use for my picnic set. And some odds and ends silverware to hammer for the booth...ok one or two may be going to my "orphan silverware" crock.

Even after two and a half hours at the Flea Market, I was still in thrift mode so I hit a couple of my favorite Goodwill stores and found more silverware to hammer out and three fire king chili bowls.

As I was getting everything cleaned up I realized I had ended up making a couple completed sets without even meaning to. Completing sets was the goal of the day, I say I succeeded even if I did not find the rose cups.

So I still am thinking I may have to break down and ebay the rose cups, I am lazy that way sometimes.

 I have another little project inspired by my wanderings and the flea market yesterday to add to painting my chairs, so I will work on getting that all photographed together this week.  

Happy Saturday!

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